Foil-Inserted Inhibited Graphite

Designed for high temp applications, Chesterton 199 is a high purity, chemically inert graphite sheet with a 316 stainless steel foil insert for extreme stability. 199 contains a corrosion inhibitor to prevent galvanic attack of flange faces. Its excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance and negligible creep characteristics make it a truly universal sheet gasket.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Designed for high temp applications, Chesterton 199 is a high purity, chemically inert graphite sheet with a 316 stainless steel foil insert for extreme stability. 199 contains a corrosion inhibitor to prevent galvanic attack of flange faces. Its excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance and negligible creep characteristics make it a truly universal sheet gasket.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Designed for high temp applications, Chesterton 199 is a high purity, chemically inert graphite sheet with a 316 stainless steel foil insert for extreme stability. 199 contains a corrosion inhibitor to prevent galvanic attack of flange faces. Its excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance and negligible creep characteristics make it a truly universal sheet gasket.

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Temperature Limit

870°C (1600°F) non-oxidizing
450°C (850°F) oxidizing

Pressure Limit

140 bar g (2000 psig), Compressibility (ASTM-F36)
​​ 35% minimum

Creep relaxation (ASTM-F38)

<5% maximum

Recovery (ASTM-F36)

10% minimum
P x T = 60,000 (°C x bar g)
​​​ P x T = 1,600,000 (°F x psig)



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